Exhibition – Le luci di Horn: un’eredità preziosa

Le luci di Horn – una eredità preziosa, is an exhibition dedicated to Guido Horn d’Arturo (trieste 1879-Bologna 1967), who is known today as the father of the segmented mirrors used in modern big reflector telescopes.

The exhibition, conceived and implemented in 2017 by the Museo Ebraico in Bologna, in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory and the department of physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna, is now shown at the Museo Astronomico di Brera. The exhibition narrates the history of Guido Horn d’Arturo, highlighting his extraordinary scientific legacy, in the context of the newly renovated museum dedicated to the discovery of the work of an astrophysicist.

20th September – 21st October
Exhibition will be visible Tuesdays and Thursdays form 10AM to 3PM.
Tickets are required.

Book your ticket

Special events


15th September
inauguration, by invitation only
At the cerimony Fabrizio Bonoly emeritus professor Alma mater Università di Bologna will talk about: Guido Horn d’Arturo e il suo tempo (in italian only):
live streaming at https://youtu.be/w5UPosVmeOU


18th September 10AM 3PM
the exibition is open to the public on the twentythird European Day of Jewish Culture 2022


18th September 4PM
“Sotto lo stesso cielo? Le leggi razziali e gli astronomi in Italia”
A conference by Agnese Mandrino (in italian only)
live streaming at https://youtu.be/5dHE3k-fDsQ


9th October 10AM 3PM
the exibition is open to the public
Reservation is required: https://emma-shop.netlify.app/museoastronomicodibrera/museum


9th October 4PM
“L’eredità tecnologica di Guido Horn D’Arturo”
A conference by Anna Wolter (in italian only) at cupola fiore of INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
Reservation in presence is required at: https://emma-shop.netlify.app/inaf-osservatorioastronomicodibrera/event/2112
live streaming at https://youtu.be/APpnW1q30-A