Instrument gallery

The instrument gallery is located on the second floor of Palazzo Brera; it can be reached through a wide staircase. Once accessed, the gallery does not present obstacles to people with reduced mobility.

Schiaparelli's dome

Unfortunately, access to Schiaparelli’s dome is not possible for people with reduced mobility.


Schiaparelli’s dome can be reached through a metallic gangway passing over the roof of Palazzo Brera. The gangway is absolutely safe and equipped with railings and handrails; however its floor is made of a surface of grille and could cause discomfort to people afraid of heights. The gangway leads to the room under the dome; from here the access to the dome is through a narrow stairway.

Alternative access: in case of bad weather, or for people afraid of heights, it is possible to reach the dome through an alternative route, completely inside the building. Also in this case the ascent is through stairways (no elevator available).